Contact Me

Here at Beauty Buzz from the Tub I'm always trying to experiment with new things and keep my blog up to date with the latest products. I'm always interested in reviewing products and am an experienced reviewer so if you'd like me to review one of your products or feature your brand in a dedicated post please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. I'm more than happy to receive and review make up, nail varnish, hair products and other cosmetics.

If I receive anything for review it will be stated on the blog post and reviewed within two weeks of receipt. My posts feature pictures of the packaging, the product, swatchs with and without flash and a picture of the product in use. I'll write a short review about the packaging, the product itself and the application, then talk about the pros and cons and give a rating out of five.

I'm always happy to collaborate with any other writers or bloggers so if you'd like to work together on a feature or write a guest post for me - do let me know!

If you have any other questions at all please send me an email at

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